//** SECTION A: THE PARAMETERS IN THIS SECTION CAN BE CHANGED TO SUIT THE DEPLOYMENT **// //** THE VARIABLES ARE INTENDED TO BE CONFIGURABLE PARAMETERS. **// // Parameter to specify OIM (OHS) Web Server Root used in URL for forgot password, registration etc. // WebServer Root URL can start with either http:// or secure, https:// // For example, OimOHSHostPort = 'http://OIM-OHS-Host:Port' var OimOHSHostPort = ''; // Parameter to specify estimated wait time in milliseconds for logout // processing to complete var maxLogoutWaitTime = 1625; // Parameter to specify comma separated list of WebServers. Only required // in multi-domain scenario. By default array is empty // For example, // var callBackLocations = new Array ( 'http://exampleone.com' , 'http://exampletwo.com' ); var callBackLocations = new Array ( ); // Parameter to specify default end URL var redirectToPage = '/defaultendURL'; // Parameter to specify Help, Product Info and Privacy Policy pages // These pages should be unprotected var abtProduct = "/abtProduct"; var helpLinkHREF = '/helpURL'; var privacyPolicy = "/privacyPolicy"; //** SECTION B: THE PARAMETERS IN THIS SECTION ARE SHIPPED WITH PRESET VALUES. THESE **// //** PARAMETERS MAINLY CONTROL LOOK AND FEEL OF LOGIN PAGES. THESE PARAMETERS SHOULD **// //** BE CHANGED TO SUIT THE DEPLOYMENT **// // Copyright information to display on login / logout pages var copyRightTEXT; // = 'Copyright © 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.'; // Logo image to be used var appLogoIMAGE = "/fusion_apps/global/images/oracle_logo.png"; // Other customization var appNameTEXT = "Fusion Applications"; // Application Name ^M var appNameTEXT4Cloud = "Public Cloud"; // Application Name in case of cloud 9 var appLogoWIDTH = "119"; // Application Logo width var appLogoHEIGHT = "25"; // Application Logo height // Login Page locale settings // Entries in this array are used as source for languages appearing in // Language Selection menu. On each line first value is language identifier // and other is name of language as it should appear in Languages Selection // Menu // Changes to this array will be required, only if, support for certain // languages needs to be removed var displayLangs = new Array ( 'ar', 'Arabic - العربية ', 'cs', 'Czech - Čeština ', 'da', 'Danish - Dansk ', 'de', 'German - Deutsch ', 'el', 'Greek - Ελληνικά ', 'en', 'English ', 'es', 'Spanish - Español ', 'fi', 'Finnish - suomi ', 'fr-ca', 'French (Canada) - Français (Canada) ', 'fr', 'French - Français ', 'he', 'Hebrew - עברית ', 'hr', 'Croatian - Hrvatski ', 'hu', 'Hungarian - Magyar ', 'it', 'Italian - Italiano ', 'ja', 'Japanese - 日本語', 'ko', 'Korean - 한국어', 'nl', 'Dutch - Nederlands ', 'no', 'Norwegian - Norsk ', 'pl', 'Polish - Polski ', 'pt-br', 'Portuguese (Brazil) - Português (Brasil)', 'pt', 'Portuguese - Português ', 'ro', 'Romanian - Română ', 'ru', 'Russian - Русский ', 'sk', 'Slovak - Slovenčina ', 'sv', 'Swedish - Svenska ', 'th', 'Thai ไทย ', 'tr', 'Turkish Türkçe ', 'zh-cn', 'Simplified Chinese 简体中文 ', 'zh-tw', 'Traditional Chinese 繁體中文 ') //** SECTION C: THE PARAMETERS IN THIS SECTION ARE SHIPPED WITH PRESET VALUES. THESE **// //** PARAMETERS SHOULD BE CHANGED ON NEED BASIS ONLY. **// // Parameters to specify actual redirection URLs for forgot password, registration etc. var registrationURL = OimOHSHostPort + '/oim/faces/pages/USelf.jspx?OP_TYPE=SELF_REGISTRATION&T_ID=Self-Register%20User&E_TYPE=USELF'; var lostPasswordURL = OimOHSHostPort + '/admin/faces/pages/forgotpwd.jspx'; var trackRegistrationURL = OimOHSHostPort + '/oim/faces/pages/USelf.jspx?E_TYPE=USELF&OP_TYPE=UNAUTH_TRACK_REQUEST'; // Page Layout Controls var hideRegLink = true; // Hide registration URL, true by default for internal deployments var hideLocaleSelect = false; // Hide Locale Selection menu, false by default var disableJSPopup = true; // Disable JavaScript popups, true by default var maxAllowedInputSize = 200; // Specify the max allowed userid and password field size // Variables used in JavaScript for Form Authentication and Locale Selection to work var isOIMLostPassword = true; // Lost Password URL is OIM URL var loginRedirectScript = '/cgi-bin/loginredirect.pl'; // Path to loginredirect.pl script on Authenticating WebGate WebServer var logoutRedirectScript = '/cgi-bin/logout.pl'; // Path to logout.pl script on Authenticating WebGate WebServer var postActionURL = '/oam/server/auth_cred_submit'; // OAM Form Login action POST URL, should match with Form Authentication Scheme var queryParamName = 'selected='; // Query Parameter used to propagate locale selction by User // Logout processing related parameters var maxImagesToLoad = callBackLocations.length; var imagesLoaded = 0; // Array of language name variations var multiDimArray = new Array(); multiDimArray[ 'ar' ] = new Array( 'ar' ); multiDimArray[ 'cs' ] = new Array( 'cs' ); multiDimArray[ 'da' ] = new Array( 'da' ); multiDimArray[ 'de' ] = new Array( 'de' ); multiDimArray[ 'el' ] = new Array( 'el' ); multiDimArray[ 'en' ] = new Array( 'en' ); multiDimArray[ 'es' ] = new Array( 'es' ); multiDimArray[ 'fi' ] = new Array( 'fi' ); multiDimArray[ 'fr-ca' ] = new Array( 'fr-ca' ); multiDimArray[ 'fr' ] = new Array( 'fr' ); multiDimArray[ 'he' ] = new Array( 'he' ); multiDimArray[ 'hr' ] = new Array( 'hr' ); multiDimArray[ 'hu' ] = new Array( 'hu' ); multiDimArray[ 'it' ] = new Array( 'it' ); multiDimArray[ 'ja' ] = new Array( 'ja' ); multiDimArray[ 'ko' ] = new Array( 'ko' ); multiDimArray[ 'nl' ] = new Array( 'nl' ); multiDimArray[ 'no' ] = new Array( 'no' ); multiDimArray[ 'pl' ] = new Array( 'pl' ); multiDimArray[ 'pt-br' ] = new Array( 'pt-br' ); multiDimArray[ 'pt' ] = new Array( 'pt' ); multiDimArray[ 'ro' ] = new Array( 'ro' ); multiDimArray[ 'ru' ] = new Array( 'ru' ); multiDimArray[ 'sk' ] = new Array( 'sk' ); multiDimArray[ 'sv' ] = new Array( 'sv' ); multiDimArray[ 'th' ] = new Array( 'th' ); multiDimArray[ 'tr' ] = new Array( 'tr' ); multiDimArray[ 'zh-cn' ] = new Array( 'zh-cn' ); multiDimArray[ 'zh-tw' ] = new Array( 'zh-tw' );